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Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts

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Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts Empty Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts

Post by Guest Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:26 am

Is it possible to create a Remote-Party-ID header using scripts?

Our Softswitch can create it behind the gateway but we had some trouble in some situations with it. So, if the gateway could create it for us, it would be great.

The Scenario:

Softswitch (SIP) -> (SIP ) TB Gateways (SIP-I) -> (SIP-I) TIM


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Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts Empty Re: Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts

Post by Guest Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:26 am

Yes, you can set it in the NAP -> Privacy type:


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Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts Empty Re: Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts

Post by Guest Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:27 am

I have set in NAP -> Privacy type but the gateway did not create the headers.

Do these options relay one SIP leg to the other Sip leg or create it?

I tried both and Remote Party ID but no one has created the SIP header.


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Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts Empty Re: Generate Remote-Party-ID header using scripts

Post by Guest Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:33 am

It is more relaying the privacy information, so if your incoming doesn’t have it, the outgoing call should not have it.

The way to do - this requires to create it using a routing script.

Yes, for more accuracy, please send the captured PCAP to and we could see what is in from the incoming side.


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