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How to Protect Against TDOS Attacks

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How to Protect Against TDOS Attacks Empty How to Protect Against TDOS Attacks

Post by Admin Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:04 am

Telephony Denial of Service (TDOS) attacks clog up business telephone lines, causing disruption of business and wasting employee productivity. TDOS attacks can be the result of nefarious actors trying to extort money or a targeted grudge to settle, but also can be caused by rouge robocall campaigns, Either way, TDOS attacks are becoming more common and difficult to prevent. Service providers are very often unprepared and unable to address TDOS attacks, leaving businesses vulnerable while they search for a solution.

During this session, we describe methods that service providers and businesses can use to mitigate TDOS attacks, reducing or eliminating the impact of their attacks. The session will also share a real end-customer case study, showing how a business implemented its own TDOS solution, deflecting hundreds of unwanted calls per day.

Topics covered in this session:
- Origin and impact of TDOS attacks
- Mediation techniques
- Impact of STIR/SHAKEN on TDOS
- Implementation on SIP and legacy TDM networks
- End-user Case Study
- Your Questions


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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