Telcobridges - Session Border Controllers
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What's new in release 3.1.119

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What's new in release 3.1.119 Empty What's new in release 3.1.119

Post by Admin Wed Apr 28, 2021 2:12 am

What's new in release 3.1.119
#24716 - Cannot add "a=fmtp:8 vad=no" as SDP parameters

What's new in release 3.1.118
#24811 - Both TBOAMs are stuck in HA standby state after a switchover
#24774 - ProSBC not passing qop="auth" onward when receiving REGISTER with authentication response from the subscriber
#24697 - Keep the UserAgent of the telephone in all the exchanges, REGISTER and INVITE
#24530 - Undue accounting Starts on calls not connected


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Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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