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alter P-Asserted-Identity

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alter P-Asserted-Identity  Empty alter P-Asserted-Identity

Post by dreedy Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:59 pm

What script in the SBC is responsible for populating the P-Asserted-Identity? if i change the from number for my termination route the P-Asserted-Identity number is changed to show the same information as the FROM identity. I need to split this or write a new script to change the behavior of this remapping. Any help would be appreciated.

so the format that i need to have the P-Asserted-Identity.

would be something like this.




Number of Messages : 8
Point : 16
Registration Date : 2019-04-19

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alter P-Asserted-Identity  Empty Re: alter P-Asserted-Identity

Post by Admin Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:08 am

You need to write a new script for it. Please check the following link;


Number of Messages : 516
Point : 1211
Registration Date : 2017-11-27

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